There’s Nothing To Fear Here

Do you feel anxious when you are due to visit our office? If so, you are not alone! Dental anxiety is a very real emotion that many patients experience. Whether you have difficulty sitting for long periods of time, are not a fan of the sounds of the office, or had a prior negative experience, our team does everything we can to help you feel comfortable while in our office and under our care. We do our best to help our patients understand each treatment and know what to expect during their appointment. We wanted to share some useful tips that may help you feel more relaxed before and during your visit. Continue reading to learn more.

Manage Your Sweet Tooth This Halloween

Do you know how much money is spent on Halloween candy in America each year? The figure might surprise you. Americans purchase over $2 billion worth of candy each Halloween season. We think it’s safe to say that many of us love our sweets and candy, especially during this time of year. As we have mentioned before, eating an overabundance of sugar is harmful to your teeth and your wallet. We want to share some ideas for alternatives you can introduce to your family instead of eating all of the Halloween candy and treats:

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life

We don’t know about you, but we aren’t sure how it is already October! We feel like we were just ringing in 2022, and before we know it, 2023 will be here. With the holidays quickly approaching, there is no better time to start off the gift giving early and treat yourself to the updated smile you have been dreaming about. We offer a number of treatments that can have you showing off a beautiful new smile at your upcoming holiday events. Read on to learn more.

What Damages Tooth Enamel?

At Pollard Dental, we are passionate about your oral health. We want to help provide knowledge about your oral health to give you the tools to recognize when something isn’t right. One common problem that we often treat are issues with tooth enamel. Tooth enamel is the outer covering of the tooth and is the strongest substance in your body. It is even stronger than your bones. However, tooth enamel isn’t indestructible and can easily become damaged when not cared for properly.

Prevention Is Key!

When was the last time you and your family members visited us for a hygiene examination and cleaning? We know that many of our patients have had a busy summer traveling and enjoying relaxing days. Now that summer is coming to an end and the fall season is upon us, there is no better time to schedule your next appointment. Delaying and postponing dental care is one of the easiest ways to experience a dental emergency. Read on to learn more.

Dental Care During Pregnancy

Are you or someone you know planning to become pregnant in the next few months, or are currently expecting? Adding to your family is so exciting, and it seems like there is so much to do before the nine months are over and the new bundle arrives. There is the focus on your prenatal health, preparing your home for the baby, and getting all of the items that you and your baby will need. We hate to add another item to the list, but maintaining your oral health during pregnancy is extremely important.

Is Your Child Really Taking Care Of Their Teeth?

Do you have a young child in your life? If so, you know many of the struggles that parents face with their children in terms of their oral health. There is nothing quite like asking your child to brush their teeth over and over only to find out their teeth were never brushed. If you can relate to this scenario, you are not alone. We know parents are passionate about teaching proper oral hygiene not only to create lasting habits, but also to help avoid tooth decay. Tooth decay is one of the most chronic conditions in children. We want to share some tips on how to help your child or young loved one prevent tooth decay. Read on to learn more.

Oral Surgery

At Pollard Dental, we are always thinking about your long-term health. Many treatments we recommend, whether preventative or restorative, always have your best interest in mind. At times, our team may recommend oral surgery as a way to restore your oral health. Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure involving the mouth, teeth, and jawbone as a way to preserve or enhance long-term health. Many oral surgery treatments can be completed right in our office, and if there is a unique concern you may be referred to a trusted colleague further trained in a particular treatment.

Improving Your Smile Is Always A Good Idea

Would you love to improve your smile but have reservations about telling us about what? Do you dream of changing the appearance of your teeth, but feel that your age is holding you back? We are here to tell you that there is never a wrong time to improve your smile. Age is just a number, and with the advancements in treatments and dental technology, we can make any changes you would like to see with your smile. Improving your smile will not only improve the appearance of your teeth, but can also benefit your overall health as well. Read on to learn more.