Oral Surgery
At Pollard Dental, we are always thinking about your long-term health. Many treatments we recommend, whether preventative or restorative, always have your best interest in mind. At times, our team may recommend oral surgery as a way to restore your oral health. Oral surgery refers to any surgical procedure involving the mouth, teeth, and jawbone as a way to preserve or enhance long-term health. Many oral surgery treatments can be completed right in our office, and if there is a unique concern you may be referred to a trusted colleague further trained in a particular treatment.
Why Might I Need Oral Surgery?
There can be a number of reasons why patients may need oral surgery. A damaged or severely decayed tooth may need to be removed. Wisdom teeth may need to be removed due to lack of room in the mouth, the teeth pushing on other teeth causing crowding issues, or the teeth causing discomfort in the jaw due to being impacted. The post for a dental implant needs to be surgically implanted in the jawbone. A biopsy of suspicious mouth tissue and reshaping gum defects may also be needed. No matter the reason for surgery, we will use the best methods and technology to provide a quick and painless treatment.
Importance of Following Directions
No matter which type of oral surgery we recommend, following our directions will ensure that you have the best experience both during and following surgery. Straying from our suggestions can lead to complications. Some patients may experience nerves or will be receiving a more in-depth procedure and we will use a method of sedation to help reduce anxiety and provide complete relaxation.
If you are experiencing oral health complications be sure to contact our office located in SIlverdale, WA to schedule an appointment. We can inspect your mouth and make any recommendations for treatment. If you happen to need oral surgery, we will provide you with all before care and after care information. We are here to help!