What Are Dental Implants?

Have you recently experienced tooth loss and are now struggling to choose the tooth replacement option that is best for your needs? We are happy to help patients make the choice that is best for their budget and lifestyle. Even if you don’t need a tooth replacement at this time, we believe it is better to be informed and prepared should the need arise suddenly. We always want our patients to feel comfortable with any decisions they make about their oral health. One common treatment that we may recommend is dental implant placement. Thanks to advancements in treatment and technology, more patients than ever before are eligible for treatment. Continue reading to learn more about implants and whether you would be a good candidate.

Dental Implants – One Of The Greatest Values In Tooth Replacement

At Pollard Dental, our goal is to work with our patients to bring their oral health and appearance to its greatest possible potential. When you visit us and you have been experiencing problems in your mouth, we perform a thorough evaluation and make treatment recommendations taking multiple aspects into consideration. Our dentists look at a variety of factors, including what would be best for your oral health as well as your lifestyle and budget. At times, we might recommend a treatment plan that may be costlier than you were expecting. Our team truly takes the time to create a plan that will be beneficial to each patient long term.

What to Know About Tooth Extractions

At Pollard Dental, we do everything in our power to save your natural teeth. However, unfortunately, that is not always possible. In certain circumstances, we need to make the difficult decision to extract a tooth. A tooth extraction is when the entire tooth structure, including the root, is fully removed. There can be a number of reasons that a tooth may need to be removed, including a medical condition, severe decay due to neglect, trauma, gum disease, and spacing issues before orthodontic treatment.

What Is The Importance Of Replacing Missing Teeth?

Are you missing a tooth or teeth and are hesitant to choose a tooth replacement option? Are you deciding if you even need to replace your tooth? At Pollard Dental, we know how emotional missing a tooth can be, especially if it is in the front of your mouth and is visible when you talk or smile. We also know that at times patients deliberate whether to replace a rear tooth that is not quite as visible. There are many circumstances that can lead to your hesitation such as cost, length of procedure, and recovery time. We want to stress the importance of speaking with our staff and coming up with a solution that you feel comfortable with. Not replacing a tooth can lead to further complications that can cause discomfort and added expense.

Dental Implants: We Are A One-Stop Shop

Are you struggling with missing teeth and feel unsure which tooth replacement option is right for you? Or do you have an idea in mind but are concerned about the need to visit multiple offices and specialists? Dental implants are the best alternative to regular teeth, as the look and functionality of the implant mimics that of a natural tooth. At Pollard Dental, we are proud to not only offer dental implants as a tooth replacement option, but we are also a one-stop shop. We complete all aspects of the implant in our office so no need to worry about visiting several offices.